We address your specific situation.
Describe your tasks, goals or problems. Let us think about it. In a personal discussion, we will then suggest solutions and consider all the pros and cons together with you. After that, you can decide whether you wish to move forward together with us. The next step is up to you. The solution always lies in dialogue.
Sebaldsbrücker Heerstrasse 235
28309 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 457-04
Fax: +49 421 457-3099
E-mail: info(at)
Approaching from Hanover or Hamburg
Motorway to “Bremer Kreuz” interchange, continue in the direction of Bremerhaven, taking the motorway exit Bremen-Sebaldsbrück – towards Stadtmitte/Osterholzer- and Sebaldsbrücker Heerstrasse (B75).
From the motorway exit, it is approx. 5 km to “Werk Nord” and approx. 5.5 km to “Werk Süd”.
Approaching from Osnabrück
Take the motorway to the exit Bremen-Hemelingen, then the Hemelingen feeder road to the Sebaldsbrück exit, via Hannoversche Strasse and Schlengstrasse to Brüggeweg (Werk Süd) and Sebaldsbrücker Heerstrasse (Werk Nord).
From the motorway exit, it is approx. 3 km to “Werk Nord” and approx. 3.5 km to “Werk Süd”.
Approaching from Bremerhaven
Take the motorway to the Bremen-Sebaldsbrück exit and continue as described under Hanover/Hamburg.